Many leaders are searching for a deeper sense of purpose in both their work and their lives.
Some are fortunate enough to have found a role that aligns with their life’s purpose, allowing them to make meaningful contributions, grow and help others do the same. Unfortunately, many feel disconnected and misaligned with their company or role’s purpose, resulting in dissatisfaction, feelings of not fitting in and resentment towards the time and energy they are putting into something that feels unfulfilling.
Given the current job market and rising living costs, it’s not always easy to change roles to align more closely with your purpose. So, how can you feel a deeper connection with your purpose, regardless of the role you’re in?
A recent client was in this exact situation. They were a successful senior leader on paper, delivering results and hitting targets year after year. However, they didn’t feel fulfilled in what they were doing.
There were moments when they enjoyed their role and the organisation, such as solving challenging problems with their colleagues and supporting team members to learn and challenge themselves. But these were rare moments of happiness that came between huge blocks of back-to-back meetings, escalations and crises they had little opportunity to resolve. It was like Groundhog Day, dealing with the same issues over and over again, creating a feeling of disconnection and unhappiness.
We discussed various options, such as finding other roles, moving organisations or changing career trajectory, but the timing and upheaval were not feasible for the individual. So, we worked through identifying other ways they could find more meaning and purpose in their current role.
Here are the steps we took:
- Define your purpose beyond that of the organisation.
Why do you do what you do beyond making money?
While money is important, there are many ways to earn it. What drew you to this profession/role/organisation in the first place, and why have you stayed? What do you want your life to mean? Is it about climbing to the top of the ladder? Building a legacy? Learning and trying many different things? Helping others?
These questions may take some time to ponder, but they can provide revealing insights.
- Reconnect with your purpose daily and seek out ways to deliver against it.
Once you’ve defined your purpose, write it down in a statement so you can check in with it frequently. Having this reminder each day helps us reinforce how we’d like to show up in the world, in our business lives, and with our families. For instance, if your purpose is to create a legacy for others to follow, checking in with this daily is a reminder to ensure you’re not just focusing on “doing” and “delivering” but also looking for ways to make certain that your work is enduring, and others can build on what you’ve created. - Seek out other opportunities to live your purpose:
Start a passion project: What is something you can do either within your role or in the community that would light you up and feel purposeful for you?
If you don’t have the time or opportunity to launch a passion project, think about how you can spend more time helping others. Contribution will always make you feel more fulfilled in your life.
Some ideas:
-Think about the people you’ll spend time with this week. What do you admire about them? What are their strengths? Tell them!
-Think about how you could create a smile in someone else each day.
-Can you spend a few minutes doing some real-time mentoring or coaching for a team member who would benefit from your knowledge?
Even if you’re in a role that doesn’t align with your overall purpose, taking this approach can help you find moments of purpose in every day. When we feel aligned with our purpose, everything seems easier and more enjoyable.