Supercharge your workshops by leveraging our expertise

Workshops are an invaluable way to bring your team together to focus on the outcomes you will collectively achieve.

Utilising our expert and impartial facilitators will drive a significant return on your investment, achieve more efficient outcomes and enable your team to be active and productive participants in the workshop. Bringing more than 20 years of commercial leadership experience and over 10 years as consultants and mentors, we guarantee you will receive immense value for you and your team.

We work with you to co-design the content and agenda for each workshop, using our experience to guide the discussions, set clear boundaries, drive decisions and outcomes and to uncover any blocks to progress (we help you fearlessly address any elephants in the room!).

Attendees will be encouraged to actively participate in the process and engage in an interactive, supportive and fun environment.

We provide real-time leadership mentoring during the session to help lift the team dynamic, shifting them to a more cohesive and high-performing team while maintaining a focus on your desired outcomes.

Workshops and seminars can be designed for 2 to 200 participants.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Our facilitators work closely with your leadership team to plan and deliver your workshop or seminar, including:

  • Culture development – including defining your business/team purpose, vision and values
  • Business planning – including objective and goal setting
  • Quarterly business planning and half-yearly business planning
  • Defining clear roles and responsibilities
  • Project kick-offs
  • Team alignment and moving past conflict
  • Evaluating and managing issues and risks
  • Prioritisation
  • Team building
  • Establishing social contracts
  • Creating effective reporting and governance frameworks